Cobas’s sculptures, wood assemblages with manufactured metallic pieces such as screws, pistons, and little wheels... go beyond their first mythical-religious meaning and the inherently erotic connotation of their shapes. They become machines without function but which convey a timeless warning: the indissoluble connection between human beings and nature and with their own bodies on the threshold of the era of robotics and digitization.

Pedro de Oraá, 2008

In Lino Betancourt’s last interview with Wifredo Lam, Lam stated that in the last few years Cuba had given rise to two great African- ist sculptors: Agustín Cárdenas and Cobas.

Walterio Carbonell, 1988

web design: Los Fieras

proyecto y curaduría:/project concept and curator: Alejandro de la Fuente

Agradecemos a la Fundación Ford por su apoyo para este proyecto /

/ Thanks to Ford Foundation for their support for this project"